
My parents, sisters Christina (boyfriend Ben), Chelsea, and Annejeanette came for Thanksgiving this year. They were there primarily for Andrew because he was to turn 8 and would be baptized during their visit. Our good friends from Salt Lake Toodie, Roy & Katie also came for Andrew’s big event.


Nettie, in ever her typical fashion, had Lizzy wrapped around her finger. Netters really had the right approach to the whole mini-vacation. She just wanted to be with family. She didn’t need shopping, she didn’t need movies, she just wanted her nieces and nephews…and a few jabs at Brian.  Netters surprised me by not taking THAT many naps nor working from my house the whole weekend.


Ben and Tina were great drama for us all to watch. We took way too long to relax and just be ourselves around Ben. 1st impressions are hard enough, let alone when they last 4 days! It took the kids all of 2 seconds to act themselves, many times to my dismay. Fortunately Ben has a good sense of humor and a strong back! Tina got the thumbs up from Brian about this guy. This is a big deal because Brian reads people pretty well.


As usual, I got too little mommy & me time and need a repeat performance from my mom. She did what she always does, cleaned, visited, played super fun Grammie, played peacemaker, and cleaned some more.


Chelse? Well, let’s just say if we could wrap her up in a package and bring her our house indefinitely we would. But unfortunately, there’s this thing called college and social life that calls for her in Idaho.

Vicky hosted our whole family along with the Rajagopal’s for Thanksgiving. The food was AMAZING FROM ALL THE PARTIES INVOLVED.


There was a little rock band competition. Brian was an amazing lead singer!


And I won’t forget Vicky and Sharon shaking their thing and singing backup melodies.


Dad just chilled the whole time.


We had a little James Bond-ing time to prep for the latest new flick.


The kids had their own adorable table.


Once again, AMAZING FOOD!


Thanksgiving isn’t the same without my mom and a pinata.


Having Toodie and Roy was a royal treat. They are easy company and we love talking with them. And we all need a little psychoanalysis once and a while…to keep us real.


Roy and Andrew bonded with a DS machine. Katie and the girls bonded especially with adorable clothing, movie flicks and lots of sweats.

One response to “Thanksgiving

  1. Thanksgiving was AMAZING! I loved every minute being there with you guys. Thanks for always being so great and letting us raid you house (and fridge).

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